Customer Onboarding
A facial recognition system is a technology capable of matching a human face from a digital image or a video frame against a database of faces, typically employed to authenticate users through ID verification services, works by pinpointing and measuring facial features from a given image.
What defines customer onboarding the best is: all activities involved in introducing a new customer to your company product or service. It’s about teaching the new client how to get the most out of your product/service. Onboarding new customers involve listening to their questions and concerns and answering them. It’s about making their experience as smooth as possible.
Your customers will come back for more: Happy customers are a lot more prone to buying from you again and becoming loyal customers than unhappy ones. Loyal customers are a very valuable asset for your business. As mentioned above, acquiring a new customer is (much) more expensive than maintaining the one you already have.
Your customers will tell their friends about you: Have you ever heard of word-of-mouth marketing? It happens when your satisfied customers recommend you to their network.
Shorten the Time to Value: Saving time is very important for recurring-revenue companies because they need to engage and prove their value every month.